Publications on Dynamic Actor Network Analysis
- Bots, P.W.G. (2007a) Analysis of multi-actor policy contexts using perception graphs. In Lin, T.Y. (ed.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT'07). Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press.
- Bots, P.W.G. (2007b) Benchmarking in Dutch Urban Water Management: An Assessment. In Pahl-Wostl, C. (ed.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Adaptive & Integrated Water Management (CAIWA). Berlin: Springer.
- Döll, C., Döll, P. (2006) Akteursanalyse und -modellierung im Rahmen des Projektes "Integrierte Analyse von mobilen, organischen Fremdstoffen in Fließgewässern".
In Wittmann, J., Müller, M. (eds.): Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften. Workshop Leipzig 2006. Shaker Verlag, Aachen (ISBN 3-8322-5132-4), 109-118.
- Jonker, J. (2006) Benchmarking in de Waterketen. MSc thesis, Delft University of Technology (in Dutch)
- Mark van Twist, Bill van Mil, Pieter Bots (2002) "Instrumenten voor
Integraal Beleid". In: Ruimte
voor Reflectie -
Jaarboek 2002 Berenschot Procesmanagement B.V., pp.
105-113 (in Dutch).
- WJW Smits (2002) Stakeholder analysis of a guide transport system assessing support for the transway concept, MSc Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management.
- PWG Bots, MJW van Twist (2001) "Dynamische ActorNetwerkAnalyse (DANA) Workbench voor de beleidsanalist als
reflective practitioner". In: Beleidsanalyse, Jaargang:
29, 3/4, 2001,
pp. 74-88. ISSN: 016-9222 (in Dutch).
Ingekorte versie.
- PWG Bots, MJW van Twist, JHR van Duin
(2000) "Automatic pattern detection in stakeholder networks". In:
Proceedings HICSS-33, JF
Nunamaker, RH Sprague (eds); Los Alamitos: IEEE Press.
- PWG Bots, MJW van Twist, JHR van Duin (2000)
"Dynamic Actor Network Analysis for the
Scheldt estuary". In: Decision Support for the Western Scheldt,
Proceedings of the LWI Workshop University Projects, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- PWG Bots, MJW van Twist, JHR van Duin (2000) Prototype Dynamic Actor Network Analysis (DANA).
van het LWI universiteitsproject EPSILON. Gouda: CUR (in Dutch).
- Peine, A. (2000) A Basic Stakeholder Network Appraisal Methodology
for River Basin Management. MSc Thesis, Delft University of Technology.
- PWG Bots, MJW van Twist, JHR
van Duin (1999) "Designing a Power Tool for Policy Analysts: Dynamic Actor Network
Analysis". In: Proceedings HICSS-32, JF Nunamaker, RH Sprague (eds); Los
Alamitos: IEEE Press.
- JHR van Duin, PWG Bots, MJW van Twist (1999) "Improving
Strategic Decision Making: Dynamic Actor Network Analysis". In: Proceedings IEEE
Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics; Los Alamitos: IEEE Press.
- MJW van Twist, PWG Bots, JHR van Duin (1999) "Decision
support in multi-actor situations: Dynamic Actor Network Analysis (DANA)". Presented
at the IFORS conference, Beijing, PRC.
- Mark van Twist, Pieter Bots,
Ron van Duin (1998) "Dynamic Actor Network
Analysis (DANA): On the application of policy technology to institutional design".
Presented at the Netherlands Institute for Governance conference, De Rosep,
Oisterwijk, The Netherlands.
- JHR van Duin, MJW van Twist, PWG
Bots. "Decision Support For
multi-stakeholder Logistics, The case of Intermodal Transportation Services. Presented at the TRAIL conference, Delft, The Netherlands.
Related publications
(by subject)
I found the following articles and books to be relevant and often inspiring
for my research in DANA. I hope to expand this collection, and you can help me
in this effort by sending me references by e-mail.
Actor networks
- De Bruijn, H. (2005) Roles for unilateral action in networks. International Journal of Public Sector Management 18(4), 318-329.
- Marsh, D. 1998. Comparing Policy Networks. Open University Press, Buckingham, PA.
Multi-perspective systems analysis
- Churchman, C.W. (1971) The Design of Inquiry Systems. Basic Books, New York.
- Ramathian, S., C. Hiatt. (1989) Toward an Information-Based Theory of Irrational Systems Behavior. Systems Research 6(1) 7-16.
- Richards, D. (2001) Coordination and Shared Mental Models. American J. of Political Science 45, 259-276.
- Sabatier, P.A. (1988) An advocacy coalition framework of policy change and the role of policy-oriented learning therein. Policy Sciences 21(2), 129-168.
- Thomas, W.I. 1966. On social organization and social personality. Chicago, IL.
Perception graphs (causal diagrams, cognitive maps, influence diagrams)
- Aguilar, J. (2005) A Survey about Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Papers. Int. J. Computational Cognition 3, 27-33
- Axelrod, R. (Ed) (1976) Structure of Decision – The Cognitive Maps of Political Elites. Princeton University Press, Princeton.
- Chaib-draa, B., Desharnais, J. (1998) A relational model of cognitive maps.International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 49(2) 181-200.
- Chen, S.M. (1995) Cognitive-map-based decision analysis based on NPN logics. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 71(1)155-163.
- Eden, C. 1988. Cognitive mapping: A review. European Journal of Operational Research 36(1) 1-13.
- Eden, C. On the nature of cognitive maps. Journal of Management Studies 29(3) 261-265.
- Hjortsø, C.N. 2004. Enhancing public participation in natural resource management using Soft OR – an application of strategic option development and analysis in tactical forest planning. European Journal of Operational Research 152 667-683.
- Huff, A.S. (Ed). 1990. Mapping Strategic Thought. Wiley, New York.
- Khan, M.S., Quaddus, M. (2004) Group Decision Sup¬port Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Causal Reasoning. Group Decision and Negotiation 13(5), 463-480.
- Kosko, B. (1986) Fuzzy cognitive maps. International Journal of Man-Machines Studies 25(1), 65-75.
- Langfield-Smith, K., A. Wirth (1992) Measuring Differences between Cognitive Maps. The Journal of the Operational Research Society 43(12), 1135-1150.
- Marchant, T. 1999. Cognitive maps and fuzzy implications. European Journal of Operational Research 114 626-637.
- Montibeller Neto, G., F. Ackermann, V. Belton, L. Ensslin. 2001. Reasoning Maps for Decision Aid: A Method to Help Integrated Problem Structuring and Exploring of Decision Alternatives. Proc. ORP3 Meeting 2001. Paris. 1-13.
- Montibeller, G., V. Belton (2006) Causal maps and the evaluation of decision options: a review. The Journal of the Operational Research Society 57(7), 779-791.
- Nadkarni, S., Shenoy, P. 2001. A Bayesian network approach to making inferences in causal maps. European Journal of Operational Research 128 479-498.
- Wellman, M.P. 1994. Inference in cognitive maps. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 36(1) 137-148.
- Zhang, W., S. Chen, and J.C. Bezdek. 1989. Pool2: a generic system for cognitive map development and decision analysis. IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics 19(1) 31-39.
Policy analysis
- Brewer, G., P. DeLeon. 1983. The Foundations of Policy Analysis. Dorsey, Homewood, IL.
- Dunn, W.N. 1981. Public Policy Analysis: An Introduction. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
- Durning, D. 1993. Participatory Policy Analysis in a Social Service Agency: A Case Study. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 12(2) 297-322.
- Mayer, I.S., C.E. Van Daalen, P.W.G. Bots. 2004. Perspectives on policy analyses: a framework for understanding and design. Technology, Policy and Management 4(1).
- Miser, H.J., E.S. Quade (Eds). 1985. Handbook of systems analysis; craft issues and procedural choices. Wiley, Chichester.
- Quade, E.S. 1975. Analysis for Public Decisions. Elsevier, New York.
- White, L.G. 1994. Policy analysis as discourse. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 13(3) 506-525.
Unstructured problems and decision making
- Cohen, M.D., J.G. March, J.P. Olson. 1972. A Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(1)1-25.
- Eden, C., F. Ackermann.1998. Making Strategy: The Journey of Strategic Management. Sage, London.
- Eden, C., S. Jones, D. Sims. 1983. Messing About in Problems. Pergamon Press, Oxford.
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Please contact me when you wish to suggest references to books, articles, or web sites that pertain to actor network analysis.
Last update 2007-09-15