The following cases have been submitted by DANA users. I have reviewed them and found that they are good exemplars for the type of models that can be made with DANA. The responsibility for the model contents remains fully with the authors.
Pieter Bots
Case name | Author(s) | Published on | Description |
Fossil fuel resources | Pieter Bots | 9 June 2004 | A small, incomplete case made for illustration purposes only. To be updated still... |
Aids and Rural Development | Ethjel Tolsma | 19 June 2004 | One of the first real-world cases to which DANA has been applied. Used mainly to check for similarities between perceptions and looking for key factors by counting their occurrence. |
As these cases are the result of hard work by your fellow analysts, make sure that you give proper credit to them when you use their case studies in your own work. You can refer to cases as you would to a journal article, i.e., author(s), (year) "name of the case", URL:
Last update 2005-02-12